Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sripad Baba's 19th punya tithi-December 31, 2015

Today December 31, 2015 is the 19th punyatithi of  my Guru Pujya Sripad Baba's Golok gaman (He left his mortal coil at around 11.30 AM and merged in the infinity of  the blissful abode of of Radha-Krishna on December 31, 1996). I pray to my beloved Guru for the continuation of his blessing  and grace till I live on this earth. I also thank him for initiating me to true spirituality and safely carrying me through the ups and downs of life; never allowing me to fall from his grace. In his remembrance Pradeep Kumar Keshari

Pujya Sripad Baba at the main entrance of Vraj Academy Building